Hatred against Jews, is a crime against humanity by primitives .
William Shakespeare became famous for his one-liner in the script for “Hamlet”. “To be or not to be. That’s the question.” After decades observing many wars, conflicts, lies, people in cultures and nations. I think we have the answer to his “question”. His “slogan” can be rolled out over many crowds in certain parts of the world. Were some only can exist by allowing themself to show parasiting, projecting behavior, bullying, humiliating and killing people. Especially Jewish people. As if they think Jewish people/friends for millions, mean nothing to our planet. Please do accept from me, that this is just a projection of dumb personalities and incapability to perform in respectable ways. In many, many fields. I think, it is a fact that intellect, well developed personality or status, must always be damaged or destroyed in times (situations) of negativity by certain groups of underdeveloped, lonely people. This as an attempt, as mental-parasites always do, to take control over their own existing problematic situations. By abusing, using a sa mental tool, people of good will. Or by using negative situations. And if there are none, they will create these by activating “socially reversed men and women”. Look what dictators like Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Hitler and a number of others did to Jewish scientists, writers, free thinkers, politicians. To all the individual thinkers and intellect-tuals! Just because they might be a threat to their evil plans. A kind of reality that only exists with their negative minds. They can only live by negativity.
“To be or not to be.” My slogan after years of observation and thinking, is:” To see, or not to see. That’s the answer.” Because you can only “be” when you “see”. Right? Good. Thank you. “The Beatles” sang for you:” Let it be. Let it be. Let it be, oh let it be. Speaking words of wisdom. Let it be!!” Maybe, I hope, these words can be part of wisdom. I can sing, but not that high. Instead of this, I will try to teach you how to write the best “music” in your life. Which means, that eyes must have seen first, before one can learn to see! My eyes did see more than I wanted them to see. Even more than most people can handle without getting mad. On scales beyond imagination. This indicates that I allow myself, in decent and neutral attitude, to be an instructing mentor of conscience. A famous rabbi told me, when we worked together in the horror site after the crash oj the El-Al Boeing 747 in Amsterdam as rescue workers “you already know the truth.” Especially when I had to tell a husband and father that he just hd los his wife and three children. One can complain about experiences. But we can also decide to teach the blind and deaf by using our experiences! Which is great and the best practical training to learn how real truth looks like and can be discovered. By intense, long-term suffering, one can recognize the pain someone else went through. What causes hate and suffering.
Or who composes it in the background. It is about time that mentors stand up to take many bullying schoolboys by the ear and put them in front of world’s classrooms for well-deserved “shaming” to open their eyes. That is exactly what I am going to do after sixty years of “having to accept” the dirt of many dark, sadistic, evil minds. Also, as consequences of World War 2. Of course, I cannot change the world. But if I can change one person by instructing him how to look. He might be to see. Then, our tables of friends for life, can have an new friend as a welcome guest to make a slightly better world. Meaning to become good persons, with bright, individual views. Please follow me on the road to tables of peace and truth. Tables with more than milk, honey, grapes and wine. Main dishes contain respect, friendship, warmth and high selfesteem. First step is to pass the railroad of fear for the unknown. Because that is what people, like monkeys do, fear and fight most to feel safe within their mental borders.Please, do not fear the opinion of others. Opinons are, in many cases, a large lumb of cheese with holes in it. They wholes, like in opi-nions, are no cheese. So nothing to swallow and digest in the mind.
Before I write down my deepest thoughts and feelings about what is right and wrong, allow me to make a short introduction for a worldwide appeal to anyone who reads this, to stop the absolute insanity of hating Jews. This is nothing more than animal like, primitive, destructive, inferior social behavior. As some men does show on this planet. Just because certain composers of evil, wish to play their organized music of destruction through the “violins of evil”. Suggestions and lies. Eternal guilt will be their ‘reward”. The composers of concerts of hate, condemn themselves forever. They will remain composers within their group of like-minded people. That is why prosecutors of all innocent Jews in the history of man, are guilty forever. In any conflict, rebellion or negativity where people think they can get some personal advantage, this vile weapon of mass thinkers, has been armed to get immediate, deadly, effect. With which individual perpetrators, under the cover of the masses of similar primitive thinkers, exonerate themselves from personal future guilt in advance. Behaving cowardly. Or, likewise in advance, for crimes they will “necessarily” commit on basis of equally suggested, fake, principles of law and justice. Or have committed.
No matter how serious or deadly! Hating Jewish people, and it’s nation, is proven to be a criminal, any religion betraying, primitive projection of the projector’s mental soul and mind. The wish to humiliate, hunt and kill innocent people, one a very special planet in the universe, is a kind of behavior that only viruses and aggressive bacteria’s show. There is nothing on the planet that can justify such sadistic, dumb thinking and acting. Those who do wish to act this way, or act this way, are there own personal, individual global lie. This explains the behavior of many top Nazis who spoke at the time of their conviction. “It was good for all of us, wasn’t it?” This was not good for anyone. Proven, only temporarily for the weak cowards, who participated, ( or participates today), in repeating a history that has been proven to have been carried out by madmen among us. Tell your young child, son or daughter of five or six that you hate other people and wish to kill them all. Fathers, mothers of many nations. Your own child(ren) will turn their back on you. Do not make your children, boys and girls, the “Boy in the striped pyama’s!”, when you allow them to become part of your criminal minds. Look at that movie with an open mind. Learn to see, from the suffering of others. Discover the personalities and personality disorders of hidden composers and conductors. And be honest to your self.Unless you wish to become a composer as well, to cover up your weak inside soul.
It always was, and is, specifically advantageous for the composers in the background. Who did, and do, find volunteering conductors. Willing to play the “music of hatred” with an orchestra of ignorance, ignorance and false violins that let the tones blow over the camps of death. Watch yourself and see for yourself that you are mentally and socially deranged when you participate in or initiate this animal like madness. Again, your children will be ashamed for many generations as we can see relatives of many former Nazi men in interviews. Don’t let their legacy be the evil frustrations that live inside you. Do not kill the light of the candle of your own children. As well as those of the Jewish children, women, men and the elderly. And finally, your own identity. If you had any. It is a scientific proven fact, that anyone on this planet has a kind of intelligence, or brainpower. An instrument to make it possible to think and act in ways that suit the height of the innate intellect. But the way of thinking also depends on genes that are culturally or evolutionarily formed. Genes. The smallest building blocks inside the human being, which through a positive or negative pole, will have their influence on our social society. On people and situations. And of which the resulting situations, in their turn, will have effect on mankind. Situations are therefore largely created when people are involved. Nega-tive people, with their negative thinking and influence on the thinking and actions of a multitude of positive people. Especially social-negative and a low IQ, often created primitive fronts in history. However, people with a high IQ, but with low social awareness, can also show identical behavior. You can find them everywhere in history. Especially French writers three centuries ago. Both groups are based on jealousy, group thinking, little empathy, narcissism, “wanting to belong”. And egocentricity”, under cover of their group of like-minded people. Rising towards sociopathy and unscrupulous primitivism. Where thinking stops and “the call of the jungle” is obeyed. A way of life where stereotypes are made. Stereotypes, like Jews, that “serve” predators as an innocent mental prey for primitive minds “left behind” by evolution. Not knowing what to do in modern times. Jealous, bloodthirsty primates? Or human beings? When I observe, socially lower developed, frustrated people. I can clearly see the primates inside many, many men and women. Maybe this is an insult to the primates. Look in history to those who were fanatic, sadistic guards inside camps as Bergen-Belsen, Sobibor, Treblinka, Dalum-Geeste, Neuengamme, Halle, Dachau, Auschwitz!!
Hate and love, discussions, wars, evil, suggestions and opinions are results of the possibility of the brains to think and to process external information. But do not forget that this processing also is under the influence of intellect and social structures of those involved. A man, or woman, with hardly any education. Or well-developed standards in personal social behavior, is not the same character as a person who is born with reliable, nice social structures in his, or her, genes and structures of thinking and acting. Just to explain. A person, as mentioned first, will never be able to fly a fighter jet. Will never be a good doctor. Will never be able to connect, to climb up, to higher performance. The second personality however, can! He, or she, will always be able to handle both sides of structures and situations in life. First personality will be able to row a boat. Can be a good cook or craftsman. But will live in the way he, or she, was born. Dealing with high intellectual social issues in life, can be done better by those who posses the right interior in their mindset. Flying a fighter jet needs proper training and education. Civilization, decent attitude, honesty with greater dignity, honor and truth, are dependent of who is dealing with it. In fact it is as exclusive as a fighter jet. It needs well trained, educated, persons to deal with it. A “stupid” will deal with truth, facts and positivity in his own way. In a dumb, irresponsible way.
The social intelligent deal with it in more sophisticated ways. To poles that oppose each other for centuries. And will do in the next centuries if we do not “come back to earth. Giving religions the definition the deserve. Not as an instrument of brutal terror, abuse, criminal minds, torture, rape and projection of “protected: hatred. But a san instrument to make each society a good society. Mind your own home and business. And stay away from the “house of your neighbors.” A man, or woman, of higher social intellect will able to deal with suggestions and opinions, in a better way than those who are not “trained” in to do so. They become mass thinkers. Lead by “smarter” people that know how to bring “minds and voices” together in negative forces. In negative opinions that lead towards accusing, deadly suggestions, projected on those who live in higher social, intellectual structu-res. As I did find out, accusive “suggestions” are the womb for lies. Serving as an umbilical cord for bad opinions and accusations. Opinions are the main evolutionary, distinctive, border between primates and modern developed humans. They ignite all conflicts when projected by just one side of the involved. Primitive, social minds deal with all issues in a primitive way. Beware of their suggestions, opinions, hate or loyalty. You might be their primary mental diner. What I write down here, also will be judged by a person’s intellect and social attitude, background, genes, experiences in life. And secondary, education. Hate against Jews is proven to be, an insane, primitive projection of the mental interior by “primatists”. Only those who are far behind us in the evolution of civilization, hate like primates do. But in the world of primates, it has a function. To protect existence. Is this proof that haters are of the same kind? Shocking.
A brand new word I developed for those who do show primate behavior in an aggressive way. Especially projected by narcissistic, sociopathic and Machiavellistic minds , as substitute for long for-gotten ancient biological selection of species. A system which is legitimated by certain, less evolved, religions who use this “instrument of selection” as a dangerous replacement for pre-historic selection of species. All social, well-developed people know that primitive lower social minds, exhibit certain animal behavior by neglecting that persons, nations, are well developed, intellectual and possibly very nice, social people. Fact is that antisocial minds judge all their experiences in a way as they are mentally programmed. They, primarily have to judge people. Facts, truth, civilization, love, opinions, history and future will always be “translated” to a virtual truth that fits into their minds. Minds that are closer to primates, than they are to human civilization and nations. They rape truth and humanity for absolutely no reason at all. Just for satisfaction of their basic needs. Blood! Like apes, steal bananas.
The most horrible thing negative people can do to the innocent, is projecting their individual personality by creating, projecting, a deliberately falsified, wrongful guilt on the innocent souls and existence of decent, intelligent people. Guilt, for instance, projected on victims of rape. In many “religions” the victim, mostly women, will be kept guilty for that. Even killed, by monkey men! Projection of guilt is a brutal, cruel and cowardly act. In which it has to be remembered, that the negative images projected to others, only exist in the heads and minds of initiating perpetrators. People who quickly gather like-minded people of equally low social content around them. In order to take the real truth hostage. In a mutual mission, to carry the heavy lies together as a group. A very important condition for their own weak existence. The truth, however, is so light that it can, and is, be carried around by any individual because of deep knowledge of facts and social structures of the mind. As I write this down, I guarantee, in greater honesty, respect for all religions in their geographical, historical cultures. But also that the only pure, decent religion on the planet, is the Jewish traditional religion. The only religion that came from the inside out. “Born by surpression!”, might be a great movie title about this subject. Meant for what a religion should be in it’s deepest soul and roots. The only, main, scientific reason of the Jewish people’s success, is a result of intense experiences the Jewish people went through and survived for ages. (I do know exactly how that feels as a non-Jew) In surroundings where they could not perform, live their own identity to a nation. Always ruled and judged by negative powers who hated them for their success, perseverance and courage. But in fact, hated by the loser’s own disability to perform better. Yes, people do have very strange ways to protect themselves. A kind of mental camouflage. So it is time to show truth now!
“The overwhelming success of the Jewish state Israel “humiliates” some types of people. They blame Jews, for what they cannot. Make a life successful. Take best care of a complex community in highest respect. Oh no, this is not an advertisement. It is highest thinkable honesty in human dignity and truth. We call it jealousy when some hate someone because of what they are and reached. ! “This “cry”, is the core of the dishonesty, of some cultures and “lower evaluated” people within these cultures. Like some Arab and “old” Eastern bloc countries who practically were left alone after the USSR collapsed. Causing a situation, within the brains of millions of people that got damaged by, first, as second world war. And after that, 50 years of Russian suppression. They are underpaid, suffering high unemployment. A copy of the time before war broke out in 1939. And what are they going to do?
They will do things they remember. Accusing other people. Jews and refugees. Strangers, as they think who steal their jobs and fundaments for existence. Regrouping and creating a dangerous political situation as happened in the past. AfD, Alternativ für Deutschland, is the result of this neglecting by the German political leaders, who left these people alone. People massively suffering from widespread, almost genetical, PTSB/PTSD after almost a hundred years of war and isolation. And a sudden “freedom”. Which can become very frustrating. A part of Germany that had hardly any future. I do know, in absolute terms, that people of high development and good continuity of high performance in many areas, have to deal with strange, dangerous psychological phenomenon. Jealousy and envy. Something that low-performing, anti-social, egocentric and malignant narcissistic individuals, project on those who distinguish themselves from the masses as individuals. And are banned outside the “social” society. Forced to survive and to create their own society. Bringing together, inserting, all knowledge and experiences as a religion of like-minded people, across many continents. Excluding all dangers they met during their existence. The hunt on the Jews, is “nothing more”, than opportunism, jealousy. A mad way of trying to destroy massive intellect. To make their personal, as individual and groups, in capabilities invisible. They do live their lies by stupidity and ego.
High intellectual capacity, opposed to low intellect and individual impossibility, within “the mass”, will force certain elements to survive. They consider any difference, better perfor-mances, or higher status by possession, function, money or title, as an attack on their self-image and inner personality. These people, as individuals or nations, do not necessarily have to be bad as individuals. Although there is a chance within groups, that turn envy into anger. In violence to chase “intruders” like biological-natural tribal people did within different “evolutionary tectonics of our existence” many centuries behind ours. Scientific tests do show that even very nice people can perform horrifying acts when they become “properly” influen-ced by “igniters” of negative processes in the background. The primate will always hide in certain people’s minds. They will hunt and kill any other species from outside their mental biotope for lower intellectual, existential reasons. In modern society, this chase on “better” people, we call this dictatorship when one highly frustrated mind stands up ” to give us all a better life”. Hitler, Haj Husseini, Mussolini, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Gaddafi, Yasser Arafat and some todays leaders. Especially those who bring in personal material, financial wealth are very often individualistic, projecting and compensating throughout their lives. Taking down and despi-sing their fellow human beings, gossiping and blaming them constantly. I call those: “Inverted Men”.
They know quite well, what cannot and cannot, morally, be done. But they use that knowledge to deal with others who go “wrong” in their egocentric opinion. In this way, gaining power through equally like-minded, weak-minded people who, for their own sake, join in. National-Socialism is the biggest example of this. A massive gathering of “like-minded frustra-ted, opportunistic people, who created the SS, the WA, the Gestapo, the NSB and many more “anti-social” groups. But some other people and countries, deliberately organized the right conditions for war. They even financed it like many American icon companies did like Ford, MGM-studios, Coca-Cola, IBM (IBM created the “warehouse system to control and supervise all detailed functionalities of Auschwitz). There is always a composer of hate. And money, personal mental compensation is the leading “religion” in that!! The result always is, one frustrated person with, very often, a large diversity of personality disorders. Always with a projecting, compensating, chaos-creating, lonely, genetically poor, degenerating mind. The “preacher of hatred”, who out of jealousy and envy through imagined personal backwardness by the intellectually performing, injects his parasitic mind as poison through the ears of masses. Right into the brain. Paralyzing all individual thinking. Making people addicted to group psychopathy.
Suggestive accusations as the uterus for the lies. Associated with the umbilical cord of envy to persecution, isolation and murder of innocent people. ”People without any capability, or cha-racter, to create future in positive ways. Only create a “future” in negative way. Their temporary success. At all costs”. “Religion” in Latin means, practically, “the way we live with each other in a family, tribe, group, company or nation. How we treat, protect and look after each other. Which also includes the highest degrees of hygiene, preparation of food, banning viruses. As a “military” strong force, to protect and to keep society healthy and safe. Especially those, who are in need, in despair or haunted. Jewish Religion, is the only religion that is not created by suppressing others. It was not used to suppress their own people, to gain power or wealth, like many others did centuries ago. It is not a religion that kills as primary goal, rapes, tortures, beheads. That cuts feet and hands for justice, That throws people from high buildings. Burns them, having the guts to say they do this in name of someone in the sky! Exactly as we Europeans, and Americans did in the name religion centuries ago. By killing millions of Indians. Accepting slavery. Like we did in the Middle Ages in Africa and Asia. We did kill like bacteria in the name of a God. What a cheat we were to religion. Israel also had their fights. But they were “reactive” fights against evil in their direction. It really is, and you can see it with your own eyes if you’re a honest, that I am telling the truth. It probably is the highest intelligent, socially best developed, purest, religion on the planet. All “modern” religions, systems of controlling power, Roman Catholic to Buddhism, Hinduism to Protestantism, some Orthodox religions, were implanted by massive genocides, torture, individual murder, lies, abuse, suppression, burning and discrimination of women and those who are “different”. Which the Jewish religion did not! I do admit there are differences.
Shocking to learn that over the years, most religious systems-initiated processes of crimes to implement “love, unity and charity” in societies. An intense lie as fundament for acceptance! Many might know Shakespeare with his Hamlet. In it the slogan: “To be or not to be. That’s the question”. Which became a worldwide and famous slogan. Not many understand the meaning of this. Shakespeare never showed how to find an answer to this question. I tried this for you. In my opinion it is all about thinking and knowledge. To learn to see and make your own religion while you live. Good, supportive thinking, in comparison with the horrific, scandalous genocides and crimes against our Jewish partners in life. As our leading “eternal social and intellectual partners on Earth. Do realize that we just live on one little, vulnerable, ball in the universe. Realize that and you will become humble. LEARN TO SEE
I tried to turn this famous “slogan-question” into another slogan. One for those, who do not understand the first slogan. I tried to develop, after decades of observing and thinking: “To see, or not to see. That’s the answer.” By seeing, feeling, understanding, you will evolve, by knowledge, in many fields. You will be more intelligent in certain issues; become better in all you do. And will, by the right people and minds, become respected as an individual thinker. Only then: “You are!!” “See, to be”, is my religious and mental conviction. And that is exactly what the Jewish people did and do by teaching and extremely good, intelligent, careful thinking in all they do. Jewish people are developed to the highest standards of intellectual thinking in social attitude, hygiene, trade, care, science, music, art and theater, military since the days of the diaspora. Their diaspora (spread over the rest of the world) began with the exodus to Babylon, after the destruction of their First Temple in 586 BC. It became a trading nation that was spread over the Hellenistic world. After the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans, the Jewish inhabitants of Jerusalem moved in all directions, although some remained in Palestine. They decided to protect their “identity” by creating rules, leading to a pure ancestry. Especially this brought me to the writing of this article. The Jewish people are leading in being real, pure, honest, and do live, obvious, according to rules that guarantee a good society for everyone inside. They live the “purity of things” in most unexpected, but also to be expected, situations. “Better by learning”. I’m not going to describe that, out of respect. Nor shall I name the ruling Holy Scriptures in any way. That is not meant for me to do. Yet, I dare to state that their rules of morality, hygiene, decency, supporting and protecting, learning and teaching, mentoring, caring for the elderly and children and conscience, are of a purity which is beyond imagination.
Do not be jealous. Copy it and become happy as a person. No, I am not Jewish. I am a realist by experiences, intellect and learning. These fields are the core, the main value, of all religions. Religion means: “How do you deal with each other? What role do you play in society with all these rules in relation to others and yourself? Very simple to under-stand. Since ages, the Jewish people worked hard to keep their own people ‘spotless’, according to Ezra, the book of the Bible. When, after the conquest of Babylon in 538 B.C., 50,000 Jewish exiles returned to their country of origin, they chose to send away their foreign wives and their half-breed children to purify the “tribe”. It even is the purest “call of the nature. In the making of men. Do never, ever forget that, when the back of a person, or nation, is beaten it will finally get a layer of callus. That the brain will develop much better in order to secure and guarantee the future. The extremists, neo-Nazis and hooligans always achieve the opposite of what they think they are achieving in their miserable thinking. They give assist in the creation of a higher kind of intelligence. Which ultimately leads to the term “The chosen people”. Here, I completely reverse the negativity of stupid thinking and choosing. Projecting negativity and choosing ultimately leads to inescapably positively chosen people. As the writings, many centuries ago, already told. “Train as you live or will live.” Cautiously, one can suggest that all those idiots who bully the Jews, are helping to make the people, and their religion, with knowledge, even better than they already are. But we do not thank them for that. They do not deserve honor.
One of the main issues and differences is, as I wrote before, that the Jewish culture and religion originated without oppression and genocides of their own people. As many anti-social rulers did while implanting religions in different cultures. Implanting love and respect will never work this way and leads to situations of governing the mind of the crowd in an evil way. A dangerous thing because freedom of individual minds and people, can and will be taken as we can see in Iran, China and Russia. And as we experienced in the whole of Europe during the Middle Ages. It loses its fundamental human, religious, values by doing so.
Real religion comes from the heart and daily acting in many fields. Not from the mind to gain profits of many kinds, and power. The mind is used to keep a religion, or society, clean, sober, healthy, pure and safe. Not to take a religion hostage and bring it into a kind of, massive “Stockholm-syndrome”. That is what is done in some religions. Real life, beliefs are created by unconditional cooperation between hearts and brains. This creates the right emotions, the feelings of safety. It creates solidarity with the desire of many people to confirm this and to take part of it. It’s good that way. Take part in this as positive, not judging people as a counterweight of the negative people, who do the same in the opposite direction. I call them:” Reversed men.” And they do exist as I can tell you by experience. Confirmation is a prerequisite for the success of a society. The Jewish faith seems, to me, to be a belief that exists inversely in comparison with other religions. Some “religions’ implanted by primitivism, crime and oppression and social poverty do have one goal. Individual power and wealth for aggressive and sociopathic individuals.
Look what ISIS did! Real intellect has banned this kind of primitivism, through continuous personal development and study guided by the written rules in the Tora and explained by the Talmud, as far as I know. An ideal situation arises in which, religion, is carried by the people’s hearts and minds. A kind, forgive me the words please, of revolving automatic patterns of correctness, conscience and morality. In “knowing” and religious existence: “To see or not to see, that is the answer. Real, well-developed intellect automatically dislikes any form of negativism and primitivism. (It doesn’t fit the brains) It dislikes any kind of animal like, primitive, behavior. Or barbaric expressions of guilt projection, oppression and violence. Again, the Jewish society is the only one in the world that has not committed crimes against their own people. One nation, one religion and one culture in one. Yes, I hear you thinking. “Like the Three Musketeers”. If it comes to unity and solidarity?
Yes. Intelligence is always, as in an unwritten assignment and programming, above all. Except by the influence of socially distorted individuals. What is special is that Judaism is both a religion, as well as a people and culture. A trinity with a proven high IQ and aims. Main reason to bring them to one nation, to live with them and to learn from them. For me this is, for reasons that live in me, very easy to feel and to visualize. Also, that high intellect, own vision and opinion, high performance, independence of thinking and doing”, are often fiercely contested.
The Jewish population has been tormented for centuries as I wrote. For reasons that can be found in balances between intellect, social intelligence, development and evolution. And, on te other side of the social equilibrium, personality disordered minds, sociopathic drives to persecute and to oppose. Which can easy be visualized by the combination of psychopathic desires, like (black Hitler) M.J. Husseini and Arafat showed with their wish, and illegal actions, to exterminate innocent, intelligent Jewish people. A kind of people whose brains acquired an physical aptitude by the continuous threat and needs to adapt to persecutions, threats and circumstances. Again, meaning that suppressors always reach the opposite of what they want. Meaning that the Jewish people, by proof, are indeed the chosen kind. From two directions. From their highest power and pushed by the negative power of those who hate them. Well, tháts some fuel!? I cannot show more truth with what I consider to be factually correct. In the highest possible finding of truth, after decades of observing and studying many genocides and persecutions by small and large dictators, psychopaths. Accompanied by false and stupid followers who, with lies, betrayal, and misconduct, are closer to the animal primitive lives than living by real religion. The Jewish religion, the people, is the highest, by far, developed social intelligence, intelligent religion in the world. And of course, there are great people in all other religions, with great acts to the world. Trying to find out what I mean would open many eyes. A people consisting of builders, musicians, mathematicians, scientists, entrepreneurs, bankers, traders, artists, doctors, writers, chemists, soldiers and relatives, chemists, politicians, physi-cians, psychologists, poets, inventors, lawyers, conductors, mothers, fathers, grandparents and children. And “just” that’s their Achilles’ heel. I know, have seen, have undergone to beyond extreme, what torture, humiliation, dehumanization, innocent crucifixion, betrayal, mistreatment, isolation, conscious exhaustion and deprivation, forced labor, taking away and destroying those whom you love and fight for, do to you. It makes them defenseless and powerless on the one hand. However, on the other hand, it makes you so strong that people are careful not to offend you.
I dare to say, that some religions have become substitutes for biological criteria to attack and destroy others. Religions that are not necessarily the result of knowledge and intellect. But by primitive lust for power, under the cover of clerics, who explain all heavenly, in personal, profitable” earthly” ways. Often for the benefit of the rulers themselves. Iran has been guilty of this enormously. In ways that made their national religion useless and powerless. An instrument to kill and to suppress women and anyone who does not follow their “rules”. With the so called” Republican Guard” as the Gestapo. A huge rape of the pride of the once beautiful nation of Persia. Before the British came in. A situation as we learned, in Europe, in the Middle Ages. Money made the progress in time and “evolution” faster, than the minds and souls of millions of people can. A bad, bad thing! All-in the hands of some egocentric criminal minds as we experienced. Protected by their made to measure “religions”. A massive lie. Everything in, f.e., Iran could have been different, if the clergy in the 1970s had already divided their enormous plots of land among the people. Like the mission, wish of politics expressed in those days. We know the result. They take hostage the complete Muslim-religion to state that Israel has to be destroyed. Idiocy at large!! I do know amazing, nice Muslims. And many Israelian are friends or work together as best colleagues. But as we learned in the past, sociopaths and psychopaths are the extremist “pole” of anything. Like temperature, height, cold, heat etc. They are the most dangerous part of the planet because of their sick projection. The humiliate their religion on a massive scale. And try to influence weak minds to join them. That is not practicing a religion at all.
It is betrayal of the mental fundamental conditions for millions of people to live peaceful. Oh, yes. i am writing truth here. Which they do not like. Here too, “simple minds” are being held hostage by clerics who pursue bad “the earthly”, as we Catholics did in years long gone by. Bring low educated people together as sheep, create a “religion as collective factor by force. Make the dependent and keep them all inside the rising Stockholmsyndrom. Here you are. You created your own “religion. Something that drug lords also do.
One thing that violent people do not know, is this. Crimes make the suppressed, because of certain processes in brains and nerve chemistry, even better as before. But please, do not thank them for that. And, again, for sure we can state, that projected hate works against the haters, while the higher intellect as a result, will isolate the haters totally and finally. Look what three “men” did to the Jewish People during World War 2. Adolf H., Ford and hater, Amin al-Husseini “The black Hitler. For no legitimate reason at all, these three betrayers of the good and world, ignited insane genocides. And, by proof, today’s situation between Israel and the Palestinians. Yasar Arafat took the lead after Husseini died to make the “Endlösung” that Hitler initiated, together with Ford, MGM-studios, Coca-Cola, IBM and many other American icon companies, successful. Never forget the causes of the attack, and brutal murders during the Olympic Games in Munich. A direct proven consequence of Adolf H.’s idiocy and his crazy henchmen. A continuation of darkest hidden aspects of “World War 2”. Husseini and Arafat did exactly what Hitler wanted. And Arab friends joined their filthy actions of terror. Like Iran and other nations in the region. What they cause is a dangerous situation, in which religion is mixed with politics.
Because “rules were given to us from above”, will be mixed by our own, human and limited thoughts, aims and actions. Paving the way, for those who are sensitive to it as a person, for their own, individual interpretations of religious rules. In which power “from above” will be ignore. Abused in a way they like it best. Were religion is relegated to just a tool. Without value. A car, without tires and steering wheel. Not even having a good seat. And flat tires. Look what the Muslim Haj Husseini did. A religious man:)!! For big money, paid by Hitler, he betrayed religion, his people and the future of his people. And did put the blame on the Jews!! He received an apartment in Berlin. 100.000 “Reichsmark” per month as a personal gift from Adolf H! “Burn them”, Hitler said. Otherwise, all Jews come to Palestine.” Money was given for a complete training center in Wassenaar (Netherlands) to education and training SS-death squads to kill all Balkan Jews. Just for his own status and cameras on his snout and dirty mind. Made a hero in today’s Palestinian minds. A rape of truth and future for many. A huge moral question. This was a religious Muslim? A mass murderer? Who later, through Arafat, initiated the Munich massacre? What did Allah say about this?
The murder of Jesus never took place by the Jewish people, which, in my knowledge, is pure projection and a false argument to give the “fight” a legitimate character. How crazy, and how stupid, can you be to keep repeating this? Just like the fact that every idiot still focusing his attention on the Jewish people. In order to be of some importance in their society. A short-term interest because of lack of intelligent and social sharing of social religion and it’s mission. The Romans did this. And later the Nazi’s saying: Blame someone with the crimes you are guilty of yourself. Hitler just copied this as he did copy all in his life. Now you have his reason to kill the Jews. He had none!!! You really wish to get acquainted with Israel, if you still have a bit of self-esteem. Start thinking, learning and reading for yourself. See believe that the Jews have never done any harm to anyone. And that the hunt for them is a paragon of social primitive madness. And beware of the fact that I am more than a free thinker. I am not a Jew by birth. But by acting and thinking in the same way as they did and do. But this mission is not about me. The killing of Jesus teaches us all, that good persons (nations) will always be attacked, damaged and divided by the bad persons (nations).
What I have been able to learn and see in this life, is that everything that happens on a large scale, takes place in reverse on an equal scale. All behavior of one person, can be found in the great common denominator of people. This means that one bully in a schoolyard, is equal to one group, an nation of people, who judges human lives in the same primitive way. Every human emotion, like sadness, lying, fear of being caught on a crime and people, religions, that are different in condemning, chasing and killing are also in line with each other. When I bring the whole world back to a small schoolyard, and see that it’s the same annoying, anti-social minds that bully our Jewish boyfriends, or girlfriends, over and over again, I really wish to hit them with a baseball bat. To give the bully an “unforgettable” moment, by excluding him from everything. To do to them, what they do to us. That is proven to be the best medicine. The biggest punishment for bullies, because than you take their crown away. Of course, there are teachers in the schoolyard. Of course, they can intervene. But too often they look the other way because of cowardice, their own interests. The teacher in our case should be the United Nations, our many Parliaments. But they don’t get any further than some official wailing and talking. After which the situation remains the same. Paralyzed by the right to make a veto! Very often used by anti-social countries.
As a result, if a person is not protected from the massive stream of unjustified and stupid harassment, the victim starts to protect himself. Rightly so. But let the Weeklings keep their mouths shut about. Do not use reports to punish Israel, for things that Weeklings are to blame for. In my opinion, crime is extremely bad. But silence, while you can intervene, is the same as supporting the executioner! First look at yourself as a person. An evil call from their individual, and group, minds. Their primary goal is: “Surviving on the suffering of people”. They do this in two ways. They attack you on things you had to do to survive after a first crime from their hands and minds. Or, if there is no reason at all, they initiate a situation in which you will respond in defense. In both cases, this “reversed human beings” produces the main, necessary, argument and artificially created legitimacy, to attack you by force, to isolate you. To kill and to divide everything that is yours. Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Treblinka, Hagen, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen and many more camps became, are result of these wholesalers of death. Again, same as Husseini and Arrafat did during the terrorist attack of the Olympic Games, And during many hijacking of planes and ships. Mentally underdeveloped in many fields with a reduced identity, very often, a personality disorder as best friend. Arrogancy as their fiancée of death. If we live by these rules of terror?
The reason why the Jewish faith, the religion, is leading in the world is incomprehensible to many. Perhaps it will help those who have suffered the same suffering as the Jewish population has been forced to endure for centuries. The Book of Deuterium (Dewarim) 28:7 tells something very crucial. “God give that your enemies who attack you, will be defeated by you. On one road they will pull against you, but on seven roads they will flee from you. Exactly what me and my wife experienced after losing our entire life by criminals. When we went after them in rage, the ran away like cowards. Many people of high intellect we have spoken in the world, as well as in many concentration camps, confirm my words. I know their suffering, their despair, pain, loss and powerlessness. In the highest defense-lessness like hardly anybody can imagine. My wife and I, experienced, just to explain, the process of reverse crewel projection of guilt from acts belonging to the real perpetrators. Lies, are their weapons of destruction that keep facts and truth hostage. I developed a funny “saying”. “The “suggestion” as a weapon, is the womb giving birth to the lie. The lie is than, the umbilical cord for feeding the associated evil and death. But also of continuing in solidarity and faith in what we have done. Fighting and, despite exhaustion, achieving goals to contribute to well-being and society. This has commanded the admiration of many. Especially with those who recognize their own life and personality. Coupled with the “biology” of the gifted, there are many physical and mental most precious, positive gifts like.
Thinking skills, broad observation skills, social interaction, integrity and loyalty and highest understanding. A formidable, amazing, positivism. Strong, borderless belief in goodness and sincerity are linked to a tremendous perseverance. In a strong belief in better future and that evil will always lose after a while. A power that can be invoked as “sacred power” beyond moments of total exhaustion of mind and body. Do you see that we describe the Jewish people and nation? The will to “exist and be” always turns out to be of extraordinary proportions. A fact that is certain. Body and mind, connected to a formidable instrument that makes us capable to build, maintain and to protect a reasonable perfect safe and steady society. In which everyone, men and women, is equal. Where religion will never be used to oppress, behead, cruelly execute one’s own people. I add this: “The more primitive, violent mean crimes of groups become against intellectual people. The more this will work against initiators of rude violence. Who act so out of envy, opportunism and jealousy like banana stealing primates in the forest? This behavior is not to be underestimated. Consequences of personality disorders, factors, that influence people and societies in a negative way, will remain for at least seven years.
What will remain invisible forever, as a result of propaganda and terror, is that the hunted Jewish people have become even closer to themselves. They became more, and more, determined and focused. Got better and better in relation to those who stand by them in life. That is exactly what is written in their Holy Books. “When you get suppressed, you will become the best in the future.” The “chosen people”, is a very truth. Chosen by the power above. But also caused by the perpe-trators. As in a vicious circle, violent initiators cause their own addiction, of increasing hatred and bloodthirst against the Jewish people and Israel. Which leaves the initiators, with their arrogance and anger, a self-created victim. Left behind in wailing and grinding their teeth. Showing I am convinced that projection of hatred and anger (led by negativity and opportunism) will always scatter and damage the initiators. Solutions and futures are made by intellect. Hate by stupidity.
When the “primitives and negatives” learn to accept, realize this, there is room for consultation and consensus. Before that, this makes no sense because it will lead to opportunistic “obtaining one’s own short-term benefit”. Even more reason for Israel to apply their course of legitimate right of protection in a “convincing” manner. No matter what people shout. Do you really think the Jewish people do not want to end this idiocy? If you, or someone, intend(s) to kill, persecute, humiliate, or otherwise hurt a Jew. Then you really show your true face. Who you are as human being. How underdeveloped, bad thinker you are in every day’s life. Because there is no need to do so. Proven! Never! Regardless of whether you have a high government position, as an Ayatollah, a priest, an individual Muslim or a plumber. Knowing that Jews and Muslims lived, worked and traded together for hundreds of years. It proves, and I hopefully proved, today’s situation is the result of miserable actions of psychopaths, like Adolf H., Haj Husseini, Ford, Arafat. We all were made opponents against each other. For benefits like money, wealth and power. By not allowing us to think separately. By learning to find facts and constructions of evil spirits and leader. Many do live without faith that there is a power way above their own person. They will forever remain proven “Reversed Men”. Very often proven evil and wicked. They will be proven to be, and remain, the real unbelievers. “Enough is enough!”
Honesty, respect, loyalty, decency, care and dignity are the strongest, main fundamentals of true religion. The way we live together. The way we rule societies. With this, I hope many can learn what real truth is. I have seen many camps, talked to old victims and their children who joined them. And I do recognize all insanity that took place with innocent masses of people. The difference between the innocent mass and the guilty mass, is a crazy, lying “leader”. A person who plays, by purpose, and no reasons at all, with the masses of innocent that he will make guilty. Like a woman very often is accused after she has been assaulted. Let us all very, very, more than, clear. We all know, and realize after proper thinking, that “only” people with extreme anti-social minds and disorders, project their aggressive, oppressive, dirigistic, self-hating, frustrated and battle-hungry, seething spirit, primarily on weaker people like young people, less stable people, the elderly. For centuries, it has been clear that the spoken word is used to poison minds. To force people “of their own church”, to kill innocent people. The crimes and genocide against the Jewish population of Israel and in the world, is no war. It is a constant attempt of murder. This is nothing more, and nothing less, than a cowardly projection of psychopathy, lowliness, intense cowardice, lying insanity. History always repeats itself. We know, from many years of experiences and close observations, that many of these people dislike other people. The most dangerous element that the initiators and ignitors of eternal harassment of Jewish population cause, is the total injection, infusion of poisonous spirits (through continuous repetition), into minds of those who have to be the “fighting” front for lying and projecting parasitic cowards… the back. The people, children, in that front, are degenerated to animal levels by their instigators. They take the first blows after being used by their leaders in the first place
Then they become abused for a second time. This because they pay with their lives, by the intense lying of their leaders. As a reward they get impossible rewards that are promised to them in the afterlife. Total nonsense from the mouths of idiots. The real non-believers. These kinds of leaders are not leaders. They are personifications of the devil who throws away human lives and values. And, once again, they use weak, unknowing spirits to condemn the suffering of the front line. The only thing that the initiators of the crimes against the Jewish population do, is playing with lives to gather people around them for their idiocy. Than send them to the front and use them in devil’s propaganda. They play with human lives to stay in power and control. But they are blind. They should know after learning and reading. After asking questions. Only than they will see. For that … is seeing. “To see, or not to see. That is the answer. My answer. Remind that we all die in the way we lived. You’d better get a good life than. To celebrate your life during your last moments. Let your name become a monument for your existence, in a positive way. Remember this please. “One little, lonely seed, laying down in the field, will grow into a field of great flowers. That is my answer.
The answer on:” To be, or not to be”. That is exactly what wil happen to the population of our Jewish friends and partners on this planet. They will be a great land of flowers in time. And the legitimate protectors of their seed and grown-up flowers. Learn from them how to grow your own flowers. You can if you want to by reading about the history. Because future, religion, is made by facts form the past. To protect religion and existence. By the way, did you know that only those who could have prevented the Second World War, were the Jews with all their knowledge, experience and resources? They were not asked because of the personal interests and personality disorders of just one person. A proven fact!!! Exactly what is happening now in Turkey, Iran, Russia, England and the United States. And on a smaller scale in the Netherlands, Germany and some other troubled small places. An undesirable situation such as debt projection is gaining the upper hand because of its own shortcomings and blindness. Because then, based on suggestion, comes the lie. And after a while…..the battle. And who gets the blame? The Jews? No! You. And you alone will carry the ghost of guilt as long as you live!! |To see, or not to see. That’s the answer”
Martin Luther King said:
“I have a dream.” I say: “Now I have seen. I know for sure.
It is not a dream. It can, and has, to be done.
Enough is enough!

,Before I write down my deepest thoughts and feelings about what is right and wrong, allow me to make a short introduction for a worldwide appeal to anyone who reads this, to stop the absolute insanity of hating Jews. This is nothing more than animal like, primitive, destructive, inferior social behaviour. As some men does show on this planet. Just because certain composers of evil, wish to play their organised music of destruction through the “violins of evil”. Suggestions and lies. Eternal guilt will be their ‘reward”. The composers of concerts of hate, condemn themselves forever. They will remain composers within their group of like-minded people. That is why prosecutors of all innocent Jews in the history of man, are guilty forever. In any conflict, rebellion or negativity where people think they can get some personal advantage, this vile weapon of massthinkers, has been armed to get immediate, deadly, effect. With which individual perpetrators, under the cover of the masses of similar primitive thinkers, exonerate themselves from personal future guilt in advance. Behaving cowardly. Or, likewise in advance, for crimes they will “necessarily” commit on basis of equally suggested, fake, principles of law and justice. Or have committed. No matter how serious or deadly! Hating Jewish people, and it’s nation, is proven to be a criminal, any religion betraying, primitive projection of the projector’s mental soul and mind.
The wish to humiliate, hunt and kill innocent people, one a very special planet in the universe, is a kind of behaviour that only virusses and aggressive bacteries show. There is nothing on the planet that can justify such sadistic, dumb thinking and acting. Those who do wish to act this way, or act this way, are there own personal, individual global lie. This explains the behaviour of many top Nazis who spoke at the time of their conviction. “It was good for all of us, wasn’t it?” This was definitely not good for anyone. Proven, only temporarily for the weak cowards, who participated,( or participates today), in repeating a history that has been proven to have been carried out by madmen among us. Tell your young child, son or daughter of five or six that you hate other people and wish to kill them all. Fathers, mothers of many nations. Your own child(ren) will turn their back on you. Do not make your children, boys and girls, the “Boy in the striped pyamas!”, when you aloow them to become part of your criminal minds. Look at that movie with an open mind. Learn to see, from the suffering of others. Discover the personalities and personality disorders of hidden composers and conductors. And be honest to your self.Unless you wish to become a composer as well, to cover up your weak inside soul.
It always was, and is, specifically advantageous for the composers in the background. Who did, and do, find volunteering conductors. Willing to play the “music of hatred” with an orchestra of ignorance, ignorance and false violins that let the tones blow over the camps of death. Watch yourself and see for yourself that you are mentally and socially deranged when you participate in or initiate this animallike madness. Again, your children will be ashamed for many generations as we can see relatives of many former nazimen in interviews. Don’t let their legacy be the evil frustrations that live inside you. Do not kill the light of the candle of your own children. As well as those of the Jewish children, women, men and the elderly. And finally, your own identity. If you had any. It is a scientific proven fact, that anyone on this planet has a kind of intelligence, or brainpower. An instrument to make it possible to think and act in ways that suit the height of the innate intellect. But the way of thinking also depends on genes that are culturally or evolutionarily formed. Genes. The smallest building blocks inside the human being, which through a positive or negative pole, will have their influence on our social society. On people and situations.
And of which the resulting situations, in their turn, will have an effect on mankind. Situations are therefore largely created when people are involved. Negative people, with their negative thinking and influence on the thinking and actions of a multitude of positive people. Especially social-negative and a low IQ, often created primitive fronts in history. However, people with a high IQ, but with low social awareness, can also show identical behaviour. You can find them everywhere in history. Especially French writers three centuries ago. Both groups are based on jealousy, group thinking, little empathy, narcissism, “wanting to belong”. And egocentricity”, under cover of their group of like-minded people. Rising towards sociopathy and unscrupulous primitivism. Where thinking stops and “the call of the jungle” is obeyed. A way of life where stereotypes are made. Stereotypes, like Jews, that “serve” predators as an innocent mental prey for primitive minds “left behind” by evolution. Not knowing what to do in modern times. Jealous, bloodthirsty primates? Or human beings? When I observe, socially lower developed, frustrated people. I can clearly see the primates inside many, many men and women. Maybe this is an insult to the primates. Look in history to those who where fanatic, sadistic guards inside camps as Bergen-Belsen, Sobibor, Treblinka, Dalum-Geeste, Neuengamme, Halle, Dachau, Auschwitz!!
Hate and love, discussions, wars, evil, suggestions and opinions are results of the possibility of the brains to think and to process external information. But do not forget that this processing also is under the influence of intellect and social structures of those involved. A man, or woman, with hardly any education. Or well develloped standards in personal social behaviour, is not the same character as a person who is born with reliable, nice social structures in his, or her, genes and structures of thinking and acting. Just to explain. A person, as mentioned first, will never be able to fly a fighterjet. Will never be a good doctor. Will never be able to connect, to climb up, to higher performance. The second personality however, can! He, or she, will always be able to handle both sides of structures and situations in life. First personality will be able to row a boat. Can be a good cook or craftsman. But will live in the way he, or she, was born. Dealing with high intellectual social issiues in life, can be done better by those who posses the right interior in their mindset. Flying a fighterjet needs proper training and education. Civilisation, decent attitude, honesty with greater dignity, honor and truth, are dependent of who is dealing with it. In fact it is as exclusive as a fighterjet. It needs well trained, educated, persons to deal with it. A “stupid” will deal with truth, facts and positivity in his own way. In a dumb, irresponible way. The social intelligent deal with it in more sophisticated ways. To poles that oppose eacht other for centuries. And will do in the next centuries if we do not “come back to earth. Giving religions the defenition the deserve. Not as an instrument of brutal terror, abuse, criminal minds, torture, rape and projection of “protected: hatred. But a san instrument to make each society a good society. Mind your onw home and business. And stay away from the “house of your neighbours.”
A man, or woman, of higher social intellect will able to deal with suggestions and opinions, in a better way than those who are not “trained” in to do so. They become massthinkers. Lead by “smarter” people that know how to bring “minds and voices” together in negative forces. In negative opinions that lead towards accusing, deadly suggestions, projected on those who live in higher social and intellectual structures. As I did find out, accusive “suggestions” are the womb for lies. Serving as anumbilical cord for bad opinons and accusations. Opinions are the main evolutionary , distinctive, border between primates and modern developed humans. They ignite all conflicts when projected by just one side of the involved. Primitive, social minds deal with all issues in a primitive way. Beware of their suggestions, opinions, hate or loyalty. You might be their primary mental diner. What I write down here, also will be judged by a person’s intellect and social attitude, background, genes, experiences in life. And secondairy, education.
Hate against Jews, is proven to be, an insane, primitive projection of the mental interior by “primatists”. Only those who are far behind us in the evolution of civilisation, hate like primates do. But in the wolrd of primates, it has a function. To protect existence. Is this proof that haters are of the same kind? Shocking.
A brand new word I developed for those who do show primate behaviour in an agressive way. Especially projected by narcissistic, sociopatic and Machiavellistic minds, as a substitute for long forgotten ancient biological selection of species. A system which is legitimated by certain, less evolved, religions who use this “instrument of selection” as a dangerous replacement for pre-historic selection of species. All social, well developed people know that primitive lower social minds, exhibit certain animal behaviour by neglecting that persons, nations, are well developed, intellectual and possibly very nice, social people. Fact is that antisocial minds judge all their experiences in a way as they are mentally programmed. They, primairily háve to judge people. Facts, truth, civilisation, love, opinions, history and future will always be “translated” to a virtual truth that fits into their minds. Minds that are closer to primates, than they are to human civilisation and nations. They rape truth and humanity for absolutely no reason at all. Just for satisfaction of their basic needs. Blood! Like monkeys steal bananas.
The most horrible thing negative people can do to the innocent, is projecting their individual personality by creating, projecting, a deliberately falsified, wrongful guilt on the innocent souls and existence of decent, intelligent people. Guilt, for instance, projected on victims of rape. In many “religions” the victim, mostly women, will be kept guilty for that. Even killed, by monkeymen! Projection of guilt is a brutal, cruel and cowardly act. In which it has to be remembered, that the negative images projected to others, only exist in the heads and minds of initiating perpetrators. People who quickly gather like-minded people of equally low social content around them. In order to take the real truth hostage. In a mutal mission, to carry the heavy lies together as a group. A very imprtant condition for their own weak existence. The truth, however, is so light that it can, and is, be carried around by any individual because of deep knowledge of facts and social structures of the mind.
As I write this down, I guarantee, in greater honesty, respect for all religions in their geografical, historical cultures. But also that the only pure, decent religion on the planet, is the Jewish traditional religion. The only religion that came from the inside out. “Born by surpression!”, might be a great movietitel about this subject. Meant for what a religion should be in it’s deepest soul and roots. The only, main, scientific reason of the Jewish people’s succes, is a result of intense experiences the Jewish people went through and survived for ages. (I do know exactly how that feels as a non-Jew) In surroundings where they could not perform, live their own identy to a nation. Always ruled and judged by negative powers who hated them for their succes, perseverance and courage. But in fact, hated by the loser’s own disability to perform better. Yes, people do have very strange ways to protect themselves. A kind of mental camouflage. So it is time to show truth now!
“The overwhelming success of the Jewish state Israël “humiliates” some types of people. They blame Jews, for what they cannot. Make a life succesfull. Take best care of a complex community in highest respect. Oh no, this is not an advertisment. It is highest thinkable honesty in human dignity and truth. We call it jealousy when some hate someone because of what they are and reached. ! “This “cry”, is the core of the dishonesty, of some cultures and “lower evoluated” people within these cultures. Like some Arab and “old” Easternbloc countries who practically were left allone after the USSR collapsed. Causing a situation, within the brains of millions of people that got damaged by, first, as second world war. And after that, 50 years of Russian surpression. The are underpayed, suffering high unemployment. A copy of the time before war broke out in 1939. And what are they going to do? They will do things they remember. Accussing other people. Jews and refugees. Strangers, as they think who steal their jobs and fundaments for existence. Regrouping and creating a dangerous political situation as happened in the past. AfD, Alternativ für Deutschland, is the result of this neglecting by the German political leaders, who left these people allone. People massively suffering from widespread, almost genetical, PTSB/PTSD after almost a hundred years of war and isolation. And a sudden “freedom”. Which can become very frustrating. A part of Germany that had hardly any future. I do know, in absolute terms, that people of high development and good continuity of high performance in many areas, have to deal with strange, dangerous psychological phenomenons. Jealousy and envy. Something that low-performing, anti-social, egocentric and malignant narcissistic individuals, project on those who distinguish themselves from the masses as individuals. And are actually banned outside the “social” society. Forced to survive and to create their own society. Bringing together, inserting, all knowledge and expriences as a religion of like-minded people, across many continents. Exluding all dangers they met during their existence. The hunt on the Jews, is “nothing more”, than opportunism, jealousy. A mad way of trying to destroy massive intellect. To make their personal, as individual and groups, incapabilities invisible. They do live their lies by stupidity and ego.
High intellectual capacity, opposed to low intellect and individual impossibility, within “the mass”, will force certain elements to survive. They consider any difference, better performances, or higher status by possession, function, money or title, as an attack on their self-image and inner personality. These people, as individuals or nations, do not necessarily have to be bad as individuals. Although there is a chance within groups, that turn envy into anger. In violence to chase “intruders” like biological-natural tribal people did within different “evolutionary tectonics of our existcence” many centuries behind ours. Scientific tests do show that even very nice people are capable of performing horrifying acts when they become “properly” influenced by “igniters” of negative processes in the background. The primate will always hide in certain peoples minds. They will hunt and kill any other species from outside their mental biotope for lower intellectual, existential reasons.
In modern society, this chase on “better” people, we call this dictatorship when one highly frustrated mind stands up ” to give us all a better lfie”. Hilter, Haj Husseini, Mussolini, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Gaddafi, Yasser Arafat and some todays leaders. Especially those who bring in personal material, financial wealth are very often individualistic, projecting and compensating throughout their lives. Taking down and despising their fellow human beings, gossiping and blaming them constantly. I call those: “Inverted Men”. They know quite well, what cannot and can not, morally, be done. But they use that knowledge to deal with others who go “wrong” in their egocentric opinion. In this way, gaining power through equally like-minded, weak-minded people who, for their own sake, join in. National-Socialism is the biggest example of this. A massive gathering of “like-minded frustrated, opportunistic people, who created the SS, the WA, the Gestapo, the NSB and many more “anti-social” groups. But some other people and countries, deliberately organised the right conditions for war. They even financed it like many American icon companies did like Ford, MGM-studios, Coca-Cola, IBM (IBM created the “warehouse system to control and supervise all detailed functionalities of Auschwitz). There is always a composer of hate. And money, personal mental compensation are the leading “religion” in that!!
The result always is, one frustrated person with, very often, a large diversity of personality disorders. Always with a projecting, compensating, chaos-creating, lonely, genetically poor, degenerating mind. The “preacher of hatred”, who out of jealousy and envy through imagined personal backwardness by the intellectually performing, injects his parasitic mind as poison through the ears of masses. Right into the brain. Paralising all individual thinking. Making people addicted to group psychopaty. Suggestive accusings, as the uterus for the lies. Associated with the umbilical cord of envy to persecution, isolation and murder of innocent people.
” People with no capability , or character, to create future in positive ways. Only create a “future” in negative way. Their temporary succes. At all cost”.
“Religion” in Latin means, practically, “the way we live with each other in a family, tribe, group, company or nation. How we treat, protect and look after each other. Which also includes the highest degrees of hygene, preparation of food, banning viruses. As a “military” strong force, to protect and to keep society healthy and safe. Especially those, who are in need, in dispair or haunted. The Jewish religion, is the only religion that is not created by surpresing others. It was not used to surpress their own people, to gain power or wealth, like many others did centuries ago. It is not a religion that kills as primairy goal, rapes, tortures, beheads. That cuts feet and hands for justice, That throws people from high buildings. Burns them, having the guts to say they do this in name of someone in the sky! Exactly as we Europeans, and Americans did in the name religion centuries ago. By killing millions of Indians. Accepting slavery. Like we did in the Middle Ages in Africa and Asia. We did kill like bacteries, in the name of G’d. What a cheat we were to religion. Israël also had their fights. But they were “reactive” fights aginst evil in their direction. It really is, and you can see it with your own eyes if your a honest, that I am telling truth. It probabaly is the highest intelligent, socially best developed, purest, religion on the planet. All “modern” religions, actually systems of controlling power, Roman Catholic to Budism, Hindoeism to Protestantism, some Orthodox religions, were implanted by massive genocides, torture, individual murder, lies, abuse, surpression, burning and discrimination of women and those who are “different”. Which the Jewish religion did not! I do admit there are differences.
Shocking to learn that over the years, most religious systems initiated processes of crimes to implement “love, unity and charity” in societies. An intense lie as fundament for acceptance! Many might know Shakespeare with his Hamlet. In it the slogan: “To be or not to be. That’s the question”. Which became a worldwide and famous slogan. Not many understand the meaning of this. Shakespeare never showed how to find an answer to this question. I tried this for you. In my opinion it is all about thinking and knowledge. To learn to see and make your own religion while you live. Good, supportive thinking, in comparison with the horrific, scandalous genocides and crimes against our Jewish partners in life. As our leading “eternal social and intellectual partners on Earth. Do realise that we just live on one litttle, vulnerable, ball in the universe. Realise that and you will become humble.
I tried to turn this famous “slogan-question” into another slogan. One for those, who do not understand the first slogan. I tried to develop, after decades of observing and thinking: “To see, or not to see. That’s the answer.” By seeing, feeling, understanding, you will evolve, by knowledge, in many fields. You will be more intelligent in certain issues, become better in all you do. And will, by the right people and minds, become respected as an individual thinker. Only than: “You are!!” “See, to be”, is my religious and mental conviction. And that is exactly what the Jewish people did and do by teaching and extremely good, intelligent, carefull thinking in all they do. Jewish people, are developed to the highest standards of intellectual thinking in social attitude, hygiene, trade, care, science, music, art and theater, military since the days of the diaspora. Their diaspora (spread over the rest of the world) began with the exodus to Babylon, after the destruction of their First Temple in 586 BC. It became a trading nation that was spread over the Hellinistic world. After the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans, the Jewish inhabitants of Jerusalem moved in all directions, although some remained in Palestine.
They decided to protect their “identity” by creating rules, leading to a pure ancestry. Especially this brought me to the writing of this article. The Jewish people are leading in being real, pure, honest, and do live, obvious, according to rules that guarantee a good society for everyone inside. They live the “purity of things” in most unexpected, but also to be expected, situations. “Better by learning”. I’m not going to describe that, out of respect. Nor shall I name the ruling Holy Scriptures in any way. That is not meant for me to do. Yet, I dare to state that their rules of morality, hygiene, decency, supporting and protecting, learning and teaching, mentoring, caring for the elderly and children and conscience, are of a purity which is beyond imagination. Do not be jealous. Copy it and become happy as a person. No, I am not Jewish. I am a realist by experiences, intellect and learning. These fields are the core, the main value, of all religions. Religion means: “How do you deal with each other? What role do you play in society with all these rules in relation to others and yourself? Very simple to understand actually. Since ages, the Jewish people worked hard to keep their own people ‘spotless’, according to Ezra, the book of the Bible. When, after the conquest of Babylon in 538 B.C., 50,000 Jewish exiles returned to their country of origin, they chose to send away their foreign wives and their half-breed children to purify the “tribe”. It éven is the most pure “call of the nature. In the making of men. Do never, ever forget that, when the back of a person, or nation, is beaten it will finally get a layer of callus. That the brain will develop much better in order to secure and guarantee the future. The extremists, neo-Nazis and hooligans always achieve the opposite of what they think they are achieving in their miserable thinking. Actually, they help, unconsciously, in the creation of a higher form of intelligence. Which ultimately leads to the term “The chosen people”. Here I completely reverse the negativity of stupid thinking and choosing. Projecting negativity and choosing ultimately leads to inescapably positively chosen people. As the writings, many centuries ago, already told. “Train as you live or will live.” Cautiously, one can suggest that all those idiots who bully the Jews, are actually helping to make the people, and their religion, with knowledge, even better than they already are. But we do not thank them for that. They do not deserve honor.
One of the main issues and differences is, as I wrote before, that the Jewish culture and religion originated without oppression and genocides of their own people. As many anti-social rulers did while implanting religions in different cultures. Implanting love and respect will never work this way and leads to situations of governing the mind of the crowd in an evil way. A dangerous thing because freedom of individual minds and people, can and will be taken as we can see in Iran, China and Russia. And as we experienced in the whole of Europe during the Middle Ages. It loses it’s fundamental human, religious, values by doing so. Real religion comes from the heart and daily actings in many fields. Not from the mind to gain profits of many kinds, and power. The mind is used to keep a religion, or society, clean, sober, healthy, pure and safe. Not to take a religion hostage and bring it into a kind of, massive “Stockholm-syndrom”. That is what is done in some religions. Real life, beliefs are created by unconditional cooperation between hearts and brains. This creates the right emotions, the feelings of safety. It creates solidarity with the desire of many people to confirm this and to take part of it. It’s good that way. Take part in this as positive, not judging people as a counterweight of the negative people, who do the same in the opposite direction. I call them:” Reversed men.” And they do exist as I can tell you by experience. Confirmation is a prerequisite for the success of a society. The Jewish faith seems, to me, to be a belief that exists inversely in comparison with other religions. Some “religions’ implanted by primitivism, crime and oppression and social poverty do have one goal. Individual power and wealth for agressive and sociopatic individuals. Look what ISIS did!
Real intellect has banned this kind of primitivism, through continuous personal development and study guided by the written rules in the Tora and explained by the Talmoed, as far as I know. An ideal situation arises in which, religion, is carried by the people’s hearts and minds. A kind, forgive me the words please, of revolving automatic patterns of correctness, conscience and morality. In “knowing” and religious existence: “To see or not to see, that is the answer. Real, well-developed intellect, automatically dislikes any form of negativism and primitivism. (It doesn’t fit the brains) It dislikes any kind of animal like, primitive, behaviour. Or barbaric expressions of guilt projection, oppression and violence. Again, the Jewish society is actually the only one in the world that has not committed crimes against their own people. One nation, one religion and one culture in one. Yes, I hear you thinking. “Like the Three Musketeers”. If it comes to unity and solidarity? Yes. Intelligence is always, as in an unwritten assignment and programming, above all. Except by the influence of socially distorted individuals. What is special is that Judaism is both a religion, as well as a people and culture. A trinity with a proven high IQ and aims. Main reason to bring them to one nations, to live with them and to learn form them. For me this is, for reasons that live in me, very easy to feel and to visualize. Also that high intellect, own vision and opinion, high performance, independence of thinking and doing”, are often fiercely contested.
The Jewish population has been tormented for centuries as I wrote. For reasons that can be found in balances between intellect, social intelligence, development and evolution. And, on te other side of the social equilibrium, personality disordered minds, sociopathic drives to persecute and to oppose. Which can easy be visualised by the combination of psychopatic desires, like (black Hitler) M.J. Husseini and Arafat showed with their wish, and illegal actions, to exterminate innocent, intelligent Jewish people. A kind of people whose brains acquired an physical aptitude by the continuous threat and needs to adapt to persecutions, threats and circumstances. Again, meaning that surpressors always reach the opposite of what they want. Meaning that the Jewish people, by proof, are indeed the choosen kind. From two directions. From their highest power and pushed by the negative power of those who hate them. Well, tháts a some fuel!?
I can not show more truth with what I consider to be factually correct. In the highest possible finding of truth, after decades of observing and studying many genocides and persecutions by small and large dictators, psychopaths. Accompanied by false and stupid followers who, with lies, betrayal, and misconduct, are closer to the animal primitive lives than living by real religion. The Jewish religion, the people, is the highest, by far, developed social intelligence, intelligent religion in the world. And of course there are great people in all other religions, with great acts to the world. Trying to find out what I mean would open many eyes. A people consisting of builders, musicians, mathematicians, scientists, enterpreneurs, bankers, traders, artists, doctors, writers, chemists, soldiers and relatives, chemists, politicians, physicians, psychologists, poets, inventors, lawyers, conductors, mothers, fathers, grandparents and children. And “just” that’s their Achilles’ heel. I know, have seen, have undergone to beyond the extreme, what torture, humiliation, dehuma-nisation, innocent crucifixion, betrayal, mistreatment, isolation, conscious exhaustion and deprivation, forced labour, taking away and destroying those whom you love and fight for, do to you. It makes them defenceless and powerless on the one hand. However, on the other hand, it makes you so strong that people are carefull not to offend you.
I dare to say, that some religions have become substitutes for biological criteria to attack and destroy others. Religions that are not necessarily the result of knowledge and intellect. But by primitive lust for power, under the cover of clerics, who explain all heavenly, in personal, profitable”earthly” ways. Often for the benefit of the rulers themselves. Iran has been guilty of this enormously. In ways that made their national religion useless and powerless. An instrument to kill and to surpress women and anyone who does not follow their “rules”. With the so called ”Republican Guard” as the Gestapo. A huge rape of the pride of the once beautiful nation of Persia. Before the British came in. A situation as we learned, in Europe, in the Middle Ages. Money made the progress in time and “evolution” faster, than the minds and souls of millions of people can. A really bad, bad thing! All-in the hands of some egocentric criminal minds as we experienced. Protected by their made to measure “religions”. A massive lie. Everything in, f.e., Iran could have been different, if the clergy in the 1970s had already divided their enormous plots of land among the people. Like the mission, wish of politics expressed in those days. We know the result. They take hostage the complete Mulsim-religion to state that Israël has to be destroyed. Idiocy at large!! I do know amazing nice Muslims. And many Israëlian are friends or work together as best collegues. But as we learne din the past, sociopasts and psychopats are the extremist “pole” of anything. Like temperature, hight, cold, heat etc. They are the most dangerous part of the planet because of their sick projection. The humiliate their religion on a massive scale. And try to influence weak minds to join them. That is not practising a relgion at all. it is betrayal of the mental fundemental conditions for millions of people to live peacefull. Oh, yes. i am writing truth here. Which they do not like. Here too, “simple minds” are being held hostage by clerics who pursue bad “the earthly”, as we Catholics did in years long gone by. Bring low educated people together as sheep, create a “religion as collective factor by force. Make the dependent and keep them all inside the rising Stockhol-syndrom. Here you are. You created your own “religion. Something that druglords also do.
One thing that violent people do not know, is this. Crimes make the surpressed, because of certain processes in brains and nerve chemistry, even better as before. But please, do not thank them for that. And, again, for sure we can state, that projected hate works against the haters, while the higher intellect as a result, will isolate the haters totally and finally. Look what three “men” did to the Jewish People during World War 2. Adolf H., Ford and hater, Amin al-Husseini “The black Hitler. For no legitimate reason at all, these three betrayers of the good and world, ignited insane genocides. And, by proof, todays situation between Israël and the palestinians. Yassar Arafat took the lead after Husseini died to make the “Endlösung” that Hilter initiated, together with Ford, MGM-studios, Coca-Cola, IBM and many other American icon companies, succesfull. Never forget the causes of the attack, and brutal murders during the Olympic Games in Munich. A direct proven consequence of Adolf H.’s idiocy and his crazy henchmen. A continuation of darkest hidden aspects of “World War 2”. Husseini and Arafat did exactly what Hitler wanted. And Arab friends joined their fuilthy actions of terror. Like Iran and other nations in the region. What they cause is a dangerous situation, in which religion is mixed with politics. Because “rules were given to us from above”, will be mixed by our own, human and limited thoughts, aims and actions. Paving the way, for those who are sensitive to it as a person, for their own, individual interpretations of religious rules. In which power “from above” will be ignore. Abused in a way they like it best. Were religion is relegated to just a tool. Without value. A car, without tires and steering wheel. Not even having a good seat. And flat tyres.
Look what the Muslaim Haj Husseini did. A religious man:)!! For big money, payed by Hitler, he betrayed religion, his people and the future of his people. And did put the blaim on the Jews!! He reveived an appartment in Berlin. 100.000 “Reichsmarken” per month as a personal gift from Adolf H! “Burn them”, Hitler said. Otherwise all Jews come to Palestina.” Money was given for a complete trainingcentre in Wassenaar (Netherlands) to education and training SS-deathsquads to kill all Balkan Jews. Just for his own status and cameras on his snout and dirty mind. Made a hero in todays Palestinian minds. A rape of truth and future for many. A huge moral question. This was a religious Muslim? A mass murderer? Who later, through Arrafat, initiated the Münich massacre? What did Allah say about this?
The murder of Jesus never took place by the Jewish people, which, in my knowledge, is pure projection and a false argument to give the “fight” a legitimate character. How crazy, and how stupid, can you be to keep repeating this? Just like the fact that every idiot still focusing his attention on the Jewish people. In order to be of some importance in their society. A short-term interest because of lack of intelligent and social sharing of social religion and it’s mission. The Romans did this.And later the nazi’s saying: Blame someone with the crimes you are guilty of your self. Hitler just kopied this as he did copy all in his life. Now you have his reason to kill the Jews. He head none!!! You really wish to get acquainted with Israel, if you still have a bit of self-esteem. Start thinking, learning and reading for yourself. See believe that the Jews have never done any harm to anyone. And that the hunt for them is a paragon of social primitive madness. And beware of the fact that I am more than a free thinker. I am not a Jew by birth. But by acting and thinking in the same way as they did and do. But this mission is not about me. The killing of Jesus, actually, teaches us all, that good persons (nations) will always be attacked, damaged and devided by the bad persons (nations).
What I have been able to learn and see in this life, is that everything that happens on a large scale, takes place in reverse on an equal scale. All behaviour of one person, can be found in the great common denominator of people. This means that one bully in a schoolyard, is equal to one group, an nation of people, who judges human lives in the same primitive way. Every human emotion, like sadness, lying, fear of being caught on a crime and people, religions, that are different in condemning, chasing and killing are also in line with each other. When I bring the whole world back to a small schoolyard, and see that it’s the same annoying, anti social minds that bully our Jewish boyfriends, or girlfriends, over and over again, I really wish to hit them with a baseball bat. To give the bully an “unforgettable” moment, by excluding him from everything. To do to them, what they do to us. That is proven to be the best medicine. The biggest punishment for bullies, because than you take their crown away. Of course there are teachers in the schoolyard. Of course they can intervene. But too often they look the other way because of cowardice, their own interests . The teacher in our case should be the United Nations, our many Parliaments. But they don’t get any further than some official wailing and talking. After which the situation remains the same. Paralized by the right to make a veto! Very often used by anti-social countries. As a result, if a person is not protected from the massive stream of unjustified and stupid harassment, the victim starts to protect himself. Rightly so. But let the weeklings keep their mouths shut about. Do not use reports to punish Israel, for things that weeklings are to blame for. In my opinion, crime is extremely bad. But silence, while you can intervene, is the same as supporting the executioner! First look at yourself as a person.
An evil call from their individual, and group, minds. Their primary goal is: “Surviving on the suffering of people”. They do this in two ways. They attack you on things you had to do to survive after a first crime from their hands and minds. Or, if there is no reason at all, they initiate a situation in which you will respond in defence. In both cases, this “reversed human beings” produces the main, necessary, argument and artificially created legitimacy, to attack you by force, to isolate you. To kill and to divide everything that is yours. Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Treblinka, Hagen, Buchenwald, Sachsenhausen and many more camps became, are result of these wholesalers of death. Again, same as Husseini and Arrafat did during the terrorist attack of the Olympic Games,. And during many hijacking of planes and ships. Mentally underdeveloped in many fields with a reduced identity, very often, a personality disorder as best friend. Arrogancy as their fiancee of death. If we live by these rules of terror?
The reason why the Jewish faith, the religion as a whole, is leading in the world is incomprehensible to many. Perhaps it will help those who have suffered the same suffering as the Jewish population has been forced to endure for centuries. The Book of Deuteromium (Dewarim) 28:7 tells something very crucial. “G’d give that your enemies who attack you, will be defeated by you. On one road they will pull against you, but on seven roads they will flee from you. Exactly what me and my wife experienced after loosing our entire life by criminals. When we went after them in rage, the ran away like cowards. Many people of high intellect we have spoken in the world, as well as in many concentration camps, confirm my words. I know their suffering, their despair, pain, loss and powerlessness. In the highest defense-lessness like hardly anybody can imagine. My wife and I, experienced, just to explain, the process of reverse cruwel projection of guilt from acts belonging to the real perpetrators. Lies, are their weapons of destruction that keep facts and truth hostage. I developed a funny “saying”. “The “suggestion” as a weapon, is the womb giving birth to the lie. The lie is than, the umbilical cord for feeding the associated evil and death.
But also of continuing in solidarity and faith in what we have done. Fighting and, despite exhaustion, achieving goals to contribute to well-being and society. This has commanded the admiration of many. Especially with those who recognize their own life and personality. Coupled with the “biology” of the gifted, there are a large number of physical and mental most precious, positive gifts like. Thinking skills, broad observation skills, social interaction, unbelievable integrity and loyality and highest understanding. A formidable, amazing, positivism. Strong, borderless belief in goodness and sincerity are linked to a tremendous perseverance. In a strong belief in a better future and that evil will always lose after a while. A power that can be invoked as “sacred power” beyond moments of total exhaustion of mind and body. Do you see that we actually describe the Jewish people and nation?
The will to “exist and be” always turns out to be of extraordinary proportions. A fact that is certain. Body and mind, connected to a formidable instrument that makes us capable to build, maintain and to protect a reasonable perfect safe and steady society. In which everyone, men and women, is equal. Where religion will never be used to oppress, behead, cruelly execute one’s own people.
I add this: “The more primitive, violent mean crimes of groups become against intellectual people. The more this will work against initiators of rude violence. Who act só out of envy, opportunism and jealousy like banana stealing primates in the forest. This behaviour is not to be underestimated. Consequences of personality disorders, factors, that influence people and societies in a negative way, will remain for at least seven years. What will remain invisible forever, as a result of propaganda and terror, is that the hunted Jewish people have become even closer to themselves. They became more, and more, determined and focussed. Got better and better in relation to those who stand by them in life. Thát is exactly what is written in their Holy Books. “When you get surpressed, you will become the best in the future.” The “chosen people”, is a very real truth. Chosen by the power above. But also caused by the pepatrators. As in a vicious circle, violent initiators cause their own addiction, of increasing hatred and bloodthirst against the Jewish people and Israel. Which leaves the initiators, with their arrogance and anger, a self-created victim. Left behind in wailing and grinding their teeth. Showing I am convinced that projection of hatred and anger (led by negativity and opportunism) will always scatter and damage the initiators. Solutions and futures are made by intellect. Hate by stupidity.
When the “primitives and negatives” learn to accept, realise this, there is room for consultation and consensus. Before that, this makes no sense because it will lead to opportunistic “obtaining one’s own short-term benefit”. All the more reason for Israël to apply their course of, legitimate right of protection in a “convincing” manner. No matter what people shout. Do you really think the Jewish people do not want to end this idiocy? If you, or someone, intend(s) to kill, persecute, humiliate, or otherwise hurt a Jew. Than you really show your true face. Who you are as a human being. How underdeveloped, bad thinker you are in everyday’s life. Because there is no need to do so. Proven! Never! Regardless of whether you have a high government position, as an Ayatollah, a priest, an individual Muslim or a plumber. Knowing that Jews and Muslims lived, worked and traded together for hundreds of years. It proves, and I hopefully proved, todays situation is the result of miserable actions of psychopaths, like Adolf H., Haj Husseini, Ford, Arafat. We all were made opponents against each other. For benifits like money, wealth and power. By not allowing us to think seperately. By learning to find facts and construcions of evil spirits and leader. Many do live without faith that there is a power way above their own person. They will forever remain proven “Reversed Men”. Very often proven evil and wicked. They will be proven to be, and remain, the real unbelievers.
“Enough is enough!”
Honesty, respect, loyalty, decency, care and dignity are the strongest, main fundamentals of true religion. The way we live together. The way we rule societies. With this, I hope many can learn what real truth is. I have seen many camps, talked to old victims and their children who joined them. And I do recognise all insanity that took place with innocent masses of people. The difference between the innocent mass and the guilty mass, is a crazy, lying “leader”. A person who plays, by purpose, and no reasons at all, with the masses of innocent that he will make guilty. Like a woman very often is accused after she has been assaulted.
Let us all very, very, more than, clear. We all know, and realise after proper thinking, that “only” people with extreme anti-social minds and disorders, project their agressive, opressive, dirigistic, self-hating, frustrated and battle-hungry, seething spirit, primarily on weaker people like young people, less stable people, the elderly. For centuries, it has been clear that the spoken word is used to poison minds.To force people “of their own church”, to kill innocent people. The cowardeous crimes and genocide against the Jewish population of Israel and in the world, is no war. It is a constant attemted murder. This is nothing more, and nothing less, than a cowardly projection of psychopathy, lowliness, intense cowardice, lying insanity. History always repeats itself. We know, from many years of experiences and close observations, that many of these people dislike other people. The most dangerous element that the initiators and ignitors of eternal harassment of Jewish population cause, is the total injection, infusion of poisonous spirits (through continuous repetition), into the minds of those who have to be the “fighting” front for lying and projecting parasitic cowards… the back. The people, children, in that front, are degenerated to animal levels by their instigators. They take the first blows after being used by their leaders in the first place. Than they become abused for a second time. This because they pay with their lives, by the intens lying of their leaders. As a reward they get impossible rewards that are promised to them in the afterlife. Total nonsens from the mouths of idiots. The real non-believers.
These kinds of leaders are not leaders. They are personifications of the devil who throws away human lives and values. And, once again, they use weak, unknowing spirits to condemn the suffering of the front line. The only thing that the initiators of the crimes against the Jewish population do, is playing with lives to gather people around them for their idiocy. Than send them to the front and use them in devil’s propaganda. They play with human lives to stay in power and control. But they are blind. They should know after learning and reading. After asking questions.
Only than they will see. For that … is seeing. “To see, or not to see. That is the answer. My answer. Remind that we all die in the way we lived. You’d better get a good life than. To celebrate your life during your last moments. Let your name become a monument for your existence, in a positive way. Remember this please. “One little, lonely seed, laying down in the field, will grow into a field of great flowers. That is my answer. Thé answer on:” To be, or not to be”. That is exactly what wil happen to the population of our Jewish friends and partners on this planet. They will be a great land of flowers in time. And the legitimate protectors of their seed and grown up flowers. Learn from them how to grow your own flowers. You can if you want to by reading history. Because future, religion, is made by facts form the past. To protect religion and existence.
By the way, did you know that only those who could have prevented the Second World War, were the Jews with all their knowledge, experience and resources? They were not asked because of the personal interests and personality disorders of just one person. A proven fact!!! Exactly what is happening now in Turkey, Iran, Russia, England and the United States. And on a smaller scale in the Netherlands, Germany and some other troubled small places. An undesirable situation such as debt projection is gaining the upper hand because of its own shortcomings and blindness. Because then, on the basis of suggestion, comes the lie. And after a while…..the battle. And who gets the blame? The Jews? No! You. And you allone will carry the ghost of guilt as long as you live!!
Martin Luther King said: “I have a dream.” I say: “Now I have seen. I know for sure. It is not a dream. It can, and has, to be done. Enough is enough!